Pathways: A true story series

Pathways exists to bring the people together and create more intimate connections through story.

This first came into existence with a local event. Each month six locals shared a story from their lives on a particular theme. Story helps us remember how much we have in common with one another, helps promote our wonderful diversity and helps tackle prejudice.

Since the pandemic, Pathways is now hosted live on Linkedin, with speakers drawn from members of the platform

I will post links to upcoming events here. That is usually a couple of weeks ahead of the event.

The past and future of Pathways

Initially face to face in Surbiton, each month 5-6 people shared a story from their lives on a specific theme.

I hope to restart the face to face events in some format over the second half of 2022.


Pathways online past events - click the link to watch them back

On the edge - stories from Roland Chester and Emily Baum

Things began to unravel - neurodivergency diagnoses with Emily Elsworth & Natasha Bowman

Into the unknown - stories about dealing with life’s challenges with Nadia Joynson and Claire Lish

Much to unlearn - stories about race with Chukumeka Allan Maxwell and Quinton Pretorious

Down but not out - stories of bias and belonging with Dylan Shimmon and Ritika Wadhwa

Overcoming barriers - thriving with visual impairment with Owais Niaz and Ashrafia Choudhury

Inner strength - LGBTQ+ stories from Laura-Rose Thorogood and Ejel Khan

Changing the narrative - incredible stories about disability from Kat Paylor-Bent and Isaac Harvey

The choice - stories about choices that change our life path, with Nathan Bent & Alex Cunningham