Do you ever feel like something’s not right… but you can’t quite put your finger on it?

Perhaps you’ve been feeling a bit out of sorts… or your mood has been very up and down.

I had a sense something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t work out what it was… which meant I couldn’t do anything about it. So I carried on as normal.

Until a day when I couldn’t. It seemed pretty normal, climbing with my wife and friends at our local wall. Sure, I felt a bit unwell shortly before it happened, but a few minutes later when 15ft off the ground I thought I was having a heart attack.

After 2 hours lying on the floor and 8 hours of tests and waiting at A&E I finally had my diagnosis. “I know this is going to sound daft, but it might have been trapped wind".

Talk about a glamorous diagnosis! Over time, I worked out it was actually a panic attack.

But deep down I’d received the message. Something had to give, something needed to shift for me… and I kept being drawn to the idea of trapped or blocked emotions.

Which lead me to the work of Dr Bradley Nelson and his books The Emotion Code, and The Body Code.

First I learned how to identify and release trapped emotions. Then I learned how to identify and correct imbalances in the bodies.

Life changing is a phrase that’s overused and regularly exaggerated, so let’s just say I can really feel the difference between the before and after.

I’m grateful that something so positive came out of such a challenging situation.

Some of the many ways the work can help you towards your greatest good are by;

  • speeding up recovery from injury

  • improving regular sleep quality

  • relieving symptoms of anxiety

  • uncovering the reasons for emotional eating

  • reducing the strength/frequency of panic attacks

  • increasing belief in yourself

  • relieving symptoms of stress

  • soothing arthritic aches and pains

  • supporting you through grief

  • learning to say no to others

What are trapped emotions?

Whether we are aware of it or not, we are constantly experiencing emotions. The vast majority of them are processed normally, and fade away.

However, any time we feel intense difficult emotions (I don’t think of them as negative), there is a chance an emotion will become trapped as energy in the body.

Difficult emotions are important and even when trapped they shouldn’t be considered as the enemy. The chances are they protected you in some way during a difficult time of your life.

The thing is, over time these trapped emotions build up and cause imbalances in the body… which contribute to or directly causing mental, physical and emotional challenges, or feeling out of sorts.

So… what can I do about it?

The good news is that emotions can be released and imbalances in the body corrected relatively easily.

Every life is different, so we start with an initial discovery session to discuss what’s going on and to choose the main focus of the work.

After that, there are two options; pay as you go sessions or a 3 month subscription.

Discovery session

30 minute discovery session - £75

Pay as you go

Ad hoc 45 minute sessions - £120

3 month subscription

1 online 45m session per month - £110/m

2 online 45m sessions per month - £200/m

3 online 45m sessions per month - £280/m

4 online 45m sessions per month - £350/m

How it works

The techniques I use come from two books by Dr Bradley Nelson; The Emotion Code and The Body Code.

Zoom sessions

At the start of each session I will guide a short meditation to connect us and establish a safe space for us to do the work.

I will then use muscle memory to ask a series of yes/no questions to identify imbalances and trapped emotions in the body connected with the issue at hand.

I will then explain the simple and non-invasive technique for correcting the imbalances and releasing any trapped emotions.